Thursday, May 28, 2009

What do you want from a journalist using Twitter?

UPDATE Friday, May 29th:

It's official I will be speaking at a social media seminar during the NPPA Convergence in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks. Then I will moderate a panel discussion on social media. So I need help/advice. Those who attend are journalists wanting to know how to use social media. Some may already utilize social media, but others may not.

I'm asking you: what do you want from your local journalist or news organization using social media?

This is a whole new field for many of us journalists. Please share your thoughts and ideas. I'll do my best to advise fellow journalists on utilizing social media.

Thank you,

I have had many conversations on mainstream media use of social media platforms. I stick firm to my belief that mainstream media and journalists should use move with social media as it evolves. I believe this will create a better relationship between journalist and consumer. That is what I strive to do with my Twitter account @MistyMontano. I share my own personality and the news from my position as an assignment editor. I strive to create connections/relationships within the community CBS4 News reaches.

What if I didn't just focus on reaching the CBS4 News community? What if I broadened my focus and started following thousands? (Hey 1,000/day is the limit!) Would I offer any value to those following me outside of the news community I'm serving? Admittedly I'm very localized to the metro area when I'm Tweeting scanner chatter and local news events. Would I need to broaden my Tweets, search out news in other communities to share?

As much as social media can reach the thousands, even millions, it can also create small micro-communties that specifically seek information on one topic or from one specific location. Do I only follow and find the viewers of CBS4 News? Do I search for those interested in any and all news organizations or those interested in police/emergency scanners?

Do I search at all or just let those who want information from me, find me? After all, how can I create relationships if I only seek certain individuals?

I've been given great advice on what I should or should not do as a journalist with social media, specifically Twitter. I'd love to know what you want from any local journalist using social media. Where do you think the news is moving? How do you want mainstream media to use social media?


  1. I have enjoyed reading your tweets about news in Denver and surrounding areas. These tweets have been useful in some cases and just interesting in other cases. To me, if you broaden your perspective to news in other communities outside of Colorado then you lose your usefulness to me personally. I rely on you for a very specific purpose. I think you have a niche and ought to focus on reporting Colorado news. By doing that and getting the word out that you are doing this you will gain followers in Colorado. Don't limit yourself to viewers of CBS4. Limit yourself to people who want to know what is going on in Colorado. People in this category can be anywhere in the world. Just one opinion. Thanks for what you do.

  2. you are already there! good consise quick reporting with a friendly disposition makes it work for me!

  3. Thanks for your comments! It helps to know what people think.

  4. I agree with Brad. I like that you stick to local topics and whether I watch the channel 4 news or not I like that you are part of our community. I think you will have much better access to potential stories by looking to your followers as possible sources. I enjoy your posts and like that you show a personal side. It makes a difference to us twitter folk. See, I commented on your blog. I can guarantee I wouldn't have bothered for any of the other twitters that are directly from the news stations even though I follow them all. They are too impersonal. Judy Browne

  5. Hey Misty, I'm a contributor for and I actually wrote an article when my local paper first started using twitter. (

    Interested to hear what you find out!
